Studio Policies
We aim to make CODE a fun, educational, cooperative, and fair environment for all students.
Below are the studio policies we've enacted to assure the best experience while learning with us.
About Combination Classes
All combination classes perform in our annual recital.
Introductory Level
Tap Combo
(Ages 3-4)
Pre-Ballet/Ballet/Tap Combo Class (Ages 3-4) ~ Pre-ballet and tap instruction, using activity songs and exercises that teach dance terminology and basic rhythm patterns. The class focus is on the development of coordination, listening skills and self-confidence, for learning teamwork, and positive interaction. This class is a FUN introduction to the JOY of dance. Dress Code: Dance attire (leotards, pink tights skirts, pink ballet shoes and black tap shoes) hair secured out of face.
Kinder Dance
Tap Combo
(Ages 4-6)
This introductory dance class focuses on the basic dance techniques of ballet, tap. It is a more technique-based class for preschoolers. Students will do progressions down the floor and learn short dances that will improve combination routines development. This is a great class to prepare them for further dance training. Dress Code: Dance attire (leotards, pink tights skirts, pink ballet shoes and black tap shoes), hair secured out of face.
Dance 1
(Ages 6-7)
This combination classes continue to build a foundation of beginning/intermediate techniques and applications of both forms of dance. This stimulating environment fosters a love and appreciation of the performing arts while experiencing physical, emotional, intellectual and social growth. Classes consist of a jazz warm-up, progressions down the floor, short combinations and full-length routine choreography. Dress Code: Dance attire (leotards, skirts, pants, shorts, dance tops), hair secured out of face.
Dance 1
(Ages 6-7)
This high-energy class incorporates the latest street-style moves. Short routines are taught, covering a wide range of hip-hop styles, from hard-hitting to sassier choreography. This class is great for the student who just wants to come & have fun, as well as for the serious dancer looking to improve his/her hip-hop skills. Dress Code: Comfortable clothes to move in, clean tennis shoes.
Class Descriptions
Leaps & Turns
Focus on using the proper technique and allowing your muscle to produce your leaps and turns. Most of the class work is done through progressions down the floor that include turns, jumps, leaps kicks, etc.
Dress Code: Dance attire (shorts, dance top), jazz shoes, hair secured out of face. Specialized classes are an in-depth study of each discipline and do not perform in our recital.
Using French/English method, students learn this classical dance form characterized by grace and precision of movement. Class begins with barre, working to perfect balance and placement, which leads into progressively more intricate center exercises. Students are given classical ballet combinations. Ballet provides a strong, solid technical base for all other dance forms.
Dress Code: Black leotard, pink tights, ballet shoes (pink), hair in a bun
Boys Attire: Black Tights/Boys Shorts, White T-shirt and ballet shoes (black)
(For Ages 12+)
Pointe is offered to students age 12 and older who have mastered the knowledge and technique of ballet and have the required strength to dance en pointe. Fundamentals of correct en pointe technique are presented. Dress Code: Black leotard, pink tights, pointe shoes, hair in a bun.
*Need to be evaluated by the ballet instructor.
This high-energy class incorporates the latest street-style moves. Short routines are taught, covering a wide range of hip-hop styles, from hard-hitting to smooth choreography. This class is great for the student who just wants to come & have fun, as well as for the serious dancer looking to improve his/her hip-hop skills.
Dress Code: Comfortable clothes to move in, clean tennis shoes
Students study a broad range of jazz styles including Broadway, classical jazz and jazz funk, Class starts with proper stretching techniques to enhance strength & flexibility, followed by progressions, emphasizing turns, jumps, leaps, and kicks. Dancers learn a short piece of choreography each week.
Dress Code: Dance attire (shorts, dance top), jazz shoes, hair secured out of face
Lyrical dance is very similar to ballet, combining the many technical elements of classical ballet with the freedom, fluidity, expressiveness, and airier aspects of jazz, contemporary and modern dance. Focused on conveying musicality and emotion through movement. It is a combination of intricate, highly technical, and pedestrian/naturalistic moves. Choreography can be gripping and exquisitely delicate, at the same time. That a song's lyrics are a driving force and key inspiration for the movement accounts for why a sizeable number of dancers are unaware of how the style's name was derived, erroneously thinking it came from the word "lyrics" Class starts with proper stretching techniques to enhance strength & flexibility
Dress Code: Dance attire (shorts, dance top), jazz shoe, hair secured out of face
In terms of the focus of its technique, contemporary dance tends to utilize both the strong and controlled legwork of ballet and modern dance's stress on the torso, and also employs contact-release, floor work, fall and recovery, and improvisation characteristic of modern dance. Unpredictable changes in rhythm, speed, and direction are often used, as well. It sometimes also incorporates elements of non-western dance cultures such as elements from African dance including bent knees, or movements from the Japanese contemporary dance. At CODE this style of dance is combined with Lyrical style. Class starts with proper stretching techniques to enhance strength & flexibility.
Dress Code: Dance attire (shorts, dance top), jazz shoe, hair secured out of face
Incorporating both rhythm tap and Broadway tap styles, students learn a style of American theatrical dance using precise rhythmical patterns of foot movement and audible foot tapping. Tap helps students develop rhythm, coordination and timing as well as allowing them to make music with their feet. Class agenda includes warm-up exercises to develop and perfect basic skills, line drills that help hold each student accountable for material, progressions down the floor and short combinations.
Dress Code: Dance attire (shorts, dance top), tap shoes, hair secured out of face
involving the performance of exercises requiring physical strength, flexibility, power, agility, coordination, and balance. Acro is an especially challenging dance style for dancers as it requires them to be trained in both dance and acrobatic skills. Acro dancers must be in excellent physical condition as well because acro is a physically demanding activity.
Dress Code: Dance attire (shorts, dance top), barefoot, hair secured out of face
Class Placement
Dancers are placed according to age and ability.
If a child is more advanced, a higher level of class may be needed to strengthen the dancer’s ability and give them a challenge. In most cases, dancers are with others their own age.
Dancers are not placed based on friendships or how long they have been dancing. They are being placed strictly on the level of technique that they demonstrate on a weekly basis.
Recitals are performed at the end of each school year.
This school year's recital date:
JUNE 4TH, 2024
at the
Kansas City Music Hall
301 W 13th St, Kansas City, MO 64105-1629
There is a recital fee of $40 per dancer to cover the costs of renting the auditorium.
There is also a $70 Recital Costume Fee.
Pre-Dance, Kinder Dance, and Dance 1 will need to purchase their costumes.
Dance 2, Dance 3, Dance 4, and Dance 5 do not need to purchase recital costumes.
Tickets will go on sale for the public no later than a month before the event.
Attendance is taken at each class.
Dancers need to arrive for class 10-15 minutes before class starts.
Good attendance is very important to each dancer’s success, as well as the progress of the class as a whole.
All classes can be made up.
Please check the website or email the studio for times available for your child.
All make-up classes need to be made up within a 4 week time period.
Tuition will not be refunded or discounted due to absences.
Health & Injuries
**Due to COVID-19, all dancers will have their temperature taken at the door.**
No dancers with a temperature over 99.5° will be allowed to stay at the studio.
In the event of your child being ill, please keep them home from class in order to reduce the chance of spreading the disease.
If a dancer is injured, they are encouraged to come and observe class.

Due on or before the 15th of the previous month
Late fee policies are strictly enforced.
A $15.00 late fee is added if payment is not received within 7 days after the due date.
You will be notified after the 2nd of each month if tuition and late fee have not been paid.
Tuition is non-refundable.
The monthly fee remains the same regardless of the number of classes in any given month.
Tuition is based on 10 months (September-June).
Most months have 4 classes, sometimes there will be 5.
There are no refunds for missed classes, due to bad weather or other student absences.
All absences can be made up. (See section regarding make-up classes.)
If payment is not received by the 25th of the following month, your child will not be allowed to attend classes. All previously paid for items, such as recital and competition fees will be forfeited, if you choose not to return to the studio. All delinquent accounts will be turned over to a collection agency.
Returned checks will be charged a $25.00 service fee (per check)
CODE accepts online payments, cash, and checks.
Discounts are given for 2 or more dancers.
Changing or Cancelling Class
If you would like to change classes, add or remove a class, or completely terminate dance classes, please email us at codedancestudio@yahoo.com. In order to be removed from financial obligation, we must receive your intentions to stop classes in writing.
Parent Policies
**Due to COVID-19, parents/guests are not allowed in the studio at this time, but ARE allowed to remain in the lobby with masks, of course. Thank you for your understanding.**
CODE has an open window policy. It is important to monitor your children’s progress and see the instructors interact with the dancers. Please keep in mind that dancers’ are very excited and can be easily distracted having parents watch through the windows. Instructors have to work extra hard to make sure the class stays structured and the children remain focused. It is extremely helpful to the instructor to keep voices down during classes. Noise travels into the dance rooms and the dancers feed off the energy outside of the dance floor. If this becomes an ongoing issue, the open window policy will stop.
Gossiping about other children or teachers is NOT tolerated at CODE.
If it is heard, you will be asked to leave.
Picking Up & Dropping Off
**Due to Covid-19, we have an alternate pick up procedure. **
Dancers are NOT allowed to stand outside the building waiting for a ride.
Small children need to be escorted to and from the studio.
Please do not encourage your dancers to find you out in the parking lot.
Please keep in mind the studio is not a daycare center. We do not want to be responsible for dancers that arrive too early or are not picked up on time.
Hours & Closings
CODE Dance Studio follows the Liberty School District Schedule.
If Liberty is closed due to weather, then the studio is also closed.
In the event of inclement weather, feel free to call the studio and listen to the voice message.
The studio will be closed each year on the following dates:
Thanksgiving Break
Winter Break
Spring Break
Memorial Day
Labor Day